Wednesday, November 30, 2016

ILP Design: Prezi: Ecosystem

With a previous background in powerpoint, Prezi was an easy and simple way to create a fun presentation for the class. The theme or template that was already given was also compatible with the topic of my lesson. This Prezi is for an elementary level class that is learning about ecosystems and what makes up an ecosystem.

Here's what it looks like:

and here is where you can find it:

Saturday, November 19, 2016


Data collection is useful in many different fields! In the educational field, I believe data collection is useful to both teachers and students. As a teacher, if I sent out a survey or other form of data collection to my students I could see what my students like and dont like. Knowing what they're interested in or find boring helps me as a teacher because I can adjust my lesson plans to something more appealing to the class while keeping them informed. If they are more attracted to a lesson plan, the more knowledge they will retain. For me, if I gave my students typically in a younger grade a survey on what type of assistive technology they like in the classroom, I would appreciate the results because my kids with exceptionalities require assistive technology daily.

My favorite part of the blogs is when the prompt asks for a classmates opinion on the latest project. I enjoy reading that part because it includes the educational technology part of the blog but it voices my classmates' thoughts and emotions more freely than the rest of the blog. I also enjoy putting my opinion because maybe it helps the professor adjust or understand a perspective of a student that is following an assignment.

There are many other techonology-related skills but choosing a specific one is hard. Maybe being more proficient in Publisher would be useful? My mother uses Publisher at her job as a Director of Sales for a hotel and she has always suggested I learn how to use it for any future career. It would also help in my teaching profession as it would keep everything organzied and looking fancy haha.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Take this COOL SURVEY because I hyperlinked it with "COOL SURVEY"

#9 - bop it... twist it.. FLIP IT...

A flipped classroom uses traditional teaching methods in a different way by delivering instruction online outside of the classroom and moving homework into the classroom. Many teachers are experimenting with this method of teaching, and I believe that it is something that all teachers should look into. As explained in the book, it is the opportunity to learn at home through online prerecorded lectures. By watching the lectures at home, the students can then do the homework in the classroom. As a student, I would of loved a flipped classroom growing up. If I missed a day of class I would have to rely on the notes of my friends and some of them do not know how to note-take properly and I would be stuck with a lack of information. But if my teacher posted the lectures and video online, I would be caught up and evening have something to review before an exam of quiz. An example of a video lectures appears Bozeman Science's channel on Youtube, called "Examples of Natural Selection" and you can find many other of his lectures on his channel.

Open education is about making educational experiences available to a wide audience. According to UNESCO, "Open Educational Resources (OERs) are any type of educational materials that are in the public domain or introduced with an open license. The nature of these open materials means that anyone can legally and freely copy, use, adapt and re-share them. OERs range from textbooks to curricula, syllabi, lecture notes, assignments, tests, projects, audio, video and animation." This is also known as "open content" and the sharing of materials usually is beneficial to the teacher community in inspiring new lessons or providing a final touch to the curriculum. An open source is "software with source code that anyone can inspect, modify, and enhance. "Source code" is the part of software that most computer users don't ever see; it's the code computer programmers can manipulate to change how a piece of software—a "program" or "application"—works." 

The powerpoint information dissemination assignment was like any other normal experience with powerpoint. I spent more time focusing on how it looked rather than the content, which I did not like. But I understand why CRAP isn't a whole load of crap. It makes or breaks a lesson or presentation anyone is trying to make and I think that was the point of the assignment. In the future, I see myself working with powerpoints, mostly prezis because they look cooler, but Microsoft Powerpoint is a basic software any teacher should familiarize with because of how easy and accessible it is.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Get Creative Sketchnoting Your Presentation

Get Creative Sketchnoting Your Presentation from Peter Zvirinsky

This slideshow is on sketchnoting and how to add these doodles on to a computer presentation. What I liked about this presentation was that all the images were sketches themselves. 

#8 - Sports Psych Lab

In the sports lab there were many different technologies that I have never heard of. Many of them were new and fun to watch as the host of the lab explained to us how they work. One piece of technology actually connected to one of the student's finger and body via wires and it let us read her heart rate and movements. We even gave her multiple questions to see if she told the truth or was lying because the host said that the technology connected to her is similar to the technology in a lie detector test. That piece of technology can be useful in the classrooms or schools because some kids who are disabled do not have the ability to speak or express themselves like others. With the wires attached and connected we can see what excites them, what triggers them, in they're interested, or if they are lying.

Microsoft Powerpoint can satisfy each level of Bloom's Taxonomy chart for any grade level. The teacher, or I would be making an original powerpoint to present to my class on a certain subject. The subject or theme of the powerpoint would be analytic and encourage discussion in the class, allowing them to evaluate the powerpoint's content. Helping the students make connections with ideas discussed in the classroom and the powerpoint is essential and easy because power points can be a fun way to share information. After analyzing the information, they should take the nee knowledge they have obtained and apply it to different or new situations. Hopefully at this point, they understand what they have been taught and can remember it for the future.

There are many ways to stay informed on the latest trends! If you're looking for Kylie Jenner's cute Christina costume you could of just hopped on Twitter. If you're looking for the Chicago Cubs and how they are going to wind the World Series, you could ESPN. But if you're looking for a place to keep up with technological trends Huffington Post - Tech is the place to be. Their homepage is covered with trending tech topics, new Apple updates, and even how to code.

You can check it out here! Huffington Post - Tech

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

#7 - Assistive Touch-ed My Heart

Adaptive technology is defined as technologies that help people with disabilities more effectively use computing equipment. A problem they could be facing is not being able to see the board or a demonstration to not even being able to move a computer mouse. I have not seen the use of assistive technology in a classroom of mine. But when I was younger and I volunteered with the kids in my school that were disabled I noticed that they spent a lot of time on their tablets. Perhaps they were listening to audio books because reading was a bit difficult for them. If an adaptive technology was needed in my classroom, a challenge I would see is learning a different way of maneuvering that technology and teaching it to the student. I would have to give myself a quick little lesson on how to work the tool.

Creating a Web Page Design was actually quite fun. I liked how I could make a whole website on my own and that I can control what my viewers see and how they get informed. I did not like how I was not that technologically advanced to know how to add the calendar feature on my own. That means I am lacking with my computer skills SMH. Next time I would probably add more features and pictures to make the page look more appealing. I would also add a new page for actual assignments that students could print out at home if they lost or forgot their papers.

Working with Diigo is fun but sort of complicated in my opinion. Maybe because in class we use the older version rather than the updated version? I do think that it is useful and helps keep track of different websites and important info on them. It taught me an easier way to annotate and bookmark a page. This could be useful in the classroom by checking the resources students use in their assignments and by easily tracking information online that I could possibly use in a presentation or lesson, as well as creating an educational forum for my students to use.

Ms. Garcia's Science Class